Where Can I Get A Flu Shot In Atlanta?

Flu season is here, and that means that, until around May, this season's strain of influenza will be making millions of Americans sick. Lengthy bouts of illness aren't pleasant, so you may wonder, 'where can I get a flu shot?'
At WestsideMed, patients can receive a quick and easy flu shot from our dedicated team of medical professionals. Vaccines are but one of the many urgent care and primary care services we provide daily.
But let's look at some more influenza information, why the flu shot is essential, and how to prevent the flu this year.
Why Should You Get The Flu Vaccine This Year?
There are a few great reasons you should get the flu shot this year—namely, preventing severe illness, preventing further health complications, and keeping others from being infected by influenza.
With the prevalence of other respiratory illnesses like COVID-19, getting a flu shot and preventing the spread of such diseases is crucial to ensuring everyone is as safe as possible.
If left untreated, influenza can lead to other severe health conditions, like pneumonia and bronchitis, sinusitis (sinus infection), and ear infection.
Who Is At Risk For The Flu?
Everyone can get the flu, but older and younger people are especially vulnerable. People who are pregnant, immunocompromised, and have a history of health issues are at higher risk for serious illness and death.
Easy Ways To Prevent Flu
There are multiple ways to prevent and protect yourself and your family this flu season.
- Getting a flu shot in Atlanta
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water
- Clean household surfaces
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing
Far and away, the best method of preventing flu is getting the vaccine. Here's what you need to know about getting the flu shot.
Getting The Flu Vaccine In Atlanta: What To Know
Receiving your flu vaccine is easy. Here's what you need to know about flu vaccines and how to get them.
How Does The Flu Shot Work?
The flu vaccine helps you create antibodies in your immune system to help combat the flu. Since different flu strains are more prevalent than others each year, researchers spend time determining which strain is likely to become an issue. The corresponding vaccine then becomes available.
According to the CDC, all flu shots are quadrivalent, meaning they cover four strains of influenza. Think about the newer bivalent COVID-19 booster, which covers two virus strains.
The four strains of the virus that flu vaccines address are:
- Influenza A(H1N1)
- Influenza A(H3N2)
- Two influenza B viruses
Your healthcare provider will administer the flu vaccination to you on your arm. There may be some soreness in the arm and other side effects like headaches, fever, and dizziness.
What Is Coadministration?
Coadministration refers to giving more than one drug at once. In the case of flu shots and other vaccines, like the COVID-19 booster, it means receiving two or more shots at once.
Can I Get The COVID Booster and Flu Shot At The Same Time?
Yes. The CDC says that the coadministration of the flu shot and COVID booster in Atlanta is safe and recommended.
According to studies, getting the flu shot and COVID booster in one visit can result in fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches.
Where Can I Get A Flu Shot In Atlanta? Get Your Flu Shot At WestsideMed
We provide flu vaccines at WestsideMed and other crucial Atlanta urgent care services to patients, like injury treatment, urinalysis, and more.
Getting a flu shot in Atlanta at WestsideMed is an easy, quick process. Likewise, we can coadminister multiple vaccines during your visit, too. Along with offering the flu vaccine, WestsideMed offers the following vaccines:
- COVID-19
- Meningitis
- Polio
- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
- Pneumonia
- Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP)
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
The experts at WestsideMed will review your medical history and determine which vaccine will best serve your medical needs.
Make sure you make an appointment or walk into our Atlanta urgent care clinic today to help prevent the spread of influenza and other illnesses.
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